Weekend Forecast: Intelligentsia Cup 2018

The TBD Calendar is jammed packed with local races and a few of our favorite less local races (ie the Greenfield Criterium). However there is one major exception to this geographic dispersion: Intelligentsia Cup in Chicago. How did 10 days of racing in the middle of the country make it onto the calendar? By being one of our favorite on the bike experiences in each of the past two years. The finely tuned mix of intense competition, summer heat, deep dish pizza, utter exhaustion, and post race dips in Lake Michigan combine for an experience that every amateur racer should take up at least once in their bike racing 'career.' 

And that isn't just lip service - we're going back to Intelligentsia Cup this year with our biggest crew ever. Curious on what Intelligentsia Cup is all about? Check out our feature from last year and then get registered on Bikereg. The in-depth post from last year is here: TBD Feature: Intelligentsia Cup 2018

Matthew Vandivort

A New York City based cyclist and sometimes photographer. Part adventure rider, part crit racer, and fully obsessed with an English bulldog named Winifred.

Instagram: @photorhetoric

E-mail: matthew@tobedetermined.cc


Bike Racing in Buffalo


Cullen's Cooking Corner #1: Overnight Oats