Cross is Coming: TBD CX Camp Edition
After such a long break from cyclocross racing, the whole team was both excited to get back into it and ready for a tune up. In early August we headed out to East Hamptons to recreate some of the magic of our 2019 CX camp. For three days, we had four modes: riding, swimming, eating, and sleeping. We rebooted our cyclocross brains on miles and miles of nearly empty sandy trails, recharged in the pool afterward, and even made it out to the beach for a team bonding bonfire and s’mores.
Every team member that came out (save Winnie the bulldog) took a minute to reflect on the weekend and what they’re looking forward to in the coming cyclocross season, interspersed into the photos below:
A typical cx season comes after a long year of training through winter followed by getting up early and/or traveling to road races fairly nonstop from spring through end of summer leaving me a little beat down by the fall with only the mental and physical capacity for a small handful of races. Though the pandemic has made everything weird, the one thing I am looking forward to is being able to come into the cx season a little more fresh and with a little more focus through the year on riding dirt hopefully a little less pathetic at my skills. Cx camp provided the perfect jump start for a season of shreddy turns and fun team hangs.

My CX bike has been gathering dust and not the good kind since the end of the 2019 season. Although my season will be starting very late this year I’m really looking forward to team hangs and getting sideways again. The CX camp was an excellent way to bust the rust, remember how to turn, chase teamies up hills and hang out off the bike afterwards.
It’s been quite a while since I’ve ridden my cross bike, let alone raced it. I had to remind myself how to turn, how to stay loose, and how to stop grabbing the brakes on every descent! But the muscle memory slowly returned and I had so much fun swooping through the woods and riding through sand with teammates. Very excited for lots of CX hangs this season!

With such a long break from racing and training, I’ve been anxious about not being fit and forgetting how to turn a bike. This weekend of chasing teammates through twisty, sandy singletrack was not only fun, but reminded me of how cumulative the sport of cycling is. My body and brain remembered what to do, and in many ways, is doing it more efficiently. Can’t wait for the season to begin!
I was so excited to spend the weekend on the sand. I remembered how much I love the feeling when your wheels transition from firm ground to soft sand, a brief floating before you lose whatever control you might have had over where your bike is going, and give yourself over to pedaling and praying. It’s the feeling of HPCX Day 2, of NBX, and of cyclocross bliss.

TBD cross camp was a great reminder of just how much I missed the weekend adventures that define CX season. Being able to spend the weekend outside, on the bike, and hanging with great people was my favorite element of CX camp and it's the same thing that I'm most looking forward to during CX season.

Photographs by Matt
After such a long break from cyclocross racing, the whole team was both excited to get back into it and ready for a tune up so in early August we headed out to East Hamptons to recreate some of the magic of our 2019 CX camp.
After four months riding entirely indoors, an escape to the trails and a reminder of the joy of riding bikes
As the road racing winds down after a long season that started on cold March mornings, an important reminder that it’s okay to embrace the burnout and get back to riding purely for fun.
After schedule conflicts ruled us out from the Cycle-Smart Cyclocross Camp that we know and love, our friends at Cycle-Smart did the next best thing and brought cross camp to us as part of an incredible weekend at the beach.
In our latest Weekend Roll Daghan recaps three beautiful days spent practicing cyclocross skills and riding hidden trails with our friends from Cycle-Smart amidst the multi-million dollar homes in East Hampton.
A weekend spent in the mix racing bikes early in the morning in Brooklyn and hanging out at the beach in the Hamptons - all in our latest Weekend Roll
In honor of throwback Thursday, a look back at what was a multi-year tradition of spending New Years weekend on our favorite singletrack.
Some of our favorite weekends are spent with the squad riding singletrack in the woods of Eastern Long Island. Known within the team as To Be Determined Shredfests this past weekend took on a particularly exciting tone thanks to an unexpected hailstorm.

A New York City based cyclist and sometimes photographer. Part adventure rider, part crit racer, and fully obsessed with an English bulldog named Winifred.
Instagram: @photorhetoric
The team takes in a weekend of trails, cyclocross preparation, and beach lounging