The Other East Hampton: Cyclesmart x TBD CX Camp Weekend Roll

Every August the squad has a tradition of attending Cycle-Smart’s CX Camp in Northampton, Massachusetts. This year, however, Cycle-Smart’s cross camp conflicted with Radsport Festival. So instead we hooked up with TBD’s coach, Jacob Fetty, on his way back down the East Coast for three days of cyclocross training amidst the tony homes in East Hampton. We’ll have a complete recap from the weekend soon, but we’re kicking things off with a Weekend Roll:

Day 1 - Trail Recon

Even though it was just a recon day, everyone was little rusty, so Jacob is started giving pointers right away.

Even though it was just a recon day, everyone was little rusty, so Jacob is started giving pointers right away.

So many trail options.

So many trail options.

This view.

This view.

Beach practice before getting in the water.

Beach practice before getting in the water.

Obviously Jacob is the first one in the water.

Obviously Jacob is the first one in the water.

Weird tanlines.

Weird tanlines.

Ian causing trouble.

Ian causing trouble.

Day 2 - Getting Down to Business

Cyclocross camp life.

Cyclocross camp life.

The crew

The crew

Empty your pockets.

Empty your pockets.

Skills session starting.

Skills session starting.

Listening carefully.

Listening carefully.

Merv showing us how it’s done and Jacob is streaming it to the whole world.

Merv showing us how it’s done and Jacob is streaming it to the whole world.

I wonder why I found three ticks over on my legs.

I wonder why I found three ticks over on my legs.

Seb after 5 hours of riding.

Seb after 5 hours of riding.

Always making friends.

Always making friends.

Confused cyclist staring at the water.

Confused cyclist staring at the water.

Crab got your toe?

Crab got your toe?

Winnie is in line for the taco night.

Winnie is in line for the taco night.

Day 3 - Fast Times on the Trails

Lucia and Cullen working the light.

Lucia and Cullen working the light.

There are actually forests in the Hamptons… Who knew?…

There are actually forests in the Hamptons… Who knew?…

Following Matt the Pathfinder all weekend.

Following Matt the Pathfinder all weekend.

Parting shot

Best weekend ever!

Best weekend ever!

Daghan Perker

Daghan Perker is a creative director, photographer, and an athlete. You can see more of his work on his instagram handle @dperker He is also a founding member of

Doris Diaries: My First Out of State Race Weekend, Denver Edition


D2R2: harder than I expected, more fun than I imagined