Weekend Forecast: Get Ready for CRCA's Bear Mountain Classic 2023!

If you race bikes in NYC, this weekend means one thing: BEAR MOUNTAIN CLASSIC! What started out as an attendance thread in our team slack turned into a hype thread, so we felt the need to share it with everyone. Consider this HYPE about BEAR MOUNTAIN! Rain or shine it’s going to be epic because it always is no matter what. The vibes are great whether it be type Type I fun after a win or Type II fun as you laugh off the ridiculousness of our sport when changing back into warm clothes after a rainy race.

Will we be making weather predictions as part of this post? Absolutely not. I don’t want anyone to even mention the weather. Just don’t do it! It doesn’t matter what it is, I will be there with several of my teammates. Instead, let’s talk about why the Bear Mountain Classic is awesome.

Reasons to love (and race) Bear Mountain:

  1. It’s the best and maybe the only “road” race for New Yorkers. We love Central Park, Prospect Park, Floyd, etc but they are not exactly “road races” per se. This point can be debated, but you cannot argue that Bear Mountain just hits different than the rest in our area

  2. It has everything: a descent, a climb, rollers, flats, and a sprint! A lot of people say “oh it’s a climbers race” but I’d strongly argue that is thoroughly incorrect. Simply having a climb in it doesn’t make it a climbers race, especially when the climb is so far from the finish. Bear has so much more than the climb, and that makes it such a fun and versatile race.

  3. It’s a short drive away, and you can be back same-day! Most “out of town” races for us are big weekend excursions. Not this one, thankfully. You could even ride there if you are crazy enough. OR even ride back! I am not doing that, but you can.

  4. At some point, Bear will go away. When it does, that will be a sad day. With the state of road cycling in the USA, you never know what is going to happen or when. As big of a deal Bear Mountain is to NY cycling, it’s certainly not guaranteed. Don’t regret never racing it, or knowing what it was like!

GFNY has the slogan “Be a pro for a day” but for those of us that race bikes in NY, Bear Mountain should have that slogan. Come race Bear. I't’s fun. THE HYPE IS REAL! Take it from me, and I’ve only ever raced Bear in the rain.

Alvaro Soltero

Born and raised in Puerto Rico, I race road for To Be Determined and work in technology in NYC. 


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