A Q&A about cycling with Bravur Watches Founders
Cycling and watches have an obvious history and a newly-rejuvenated trend. We spoke to the founders of Bravur Watches, a brand that is setting the bar for cycling-inspired watches.

Ode to the Fast Kids: Shark River Devo
We sit down with one of the NY-tri state area’s premium junior development programs

Croton Cross Preview and Race Director Interview
We chatted with the folks behind the event to try to get some insider knowledge on how the race came to be, and any pro-tips on the course.

The Interview: Cyclist and Activist Anna Zivarts of Disability Rights Washington
Liz interviews Anna Zivarts, a cyclist, racer, and activist with Disability Rights Washington

Converting Roadies into Dirt Lovers: The D-SIG Interview
An interview with the masterminds behind New York Cycle Club’s newest program, converting traditional road cyclists into dirt lovers: the D-SIG.

Interview: Alex Ostroy of Ostroy
We sat down with NYC luminary, Alex Ostroy, to talk bikes, coaching, and of course, kit design.

Interview with Central Park Race Director Kevin Hsieh
We interview the person responsible for insuring the 12-race Central Park Club Series happened this year: CRCA Vice President of Racing Kevin Hsieh.

The Next Generation of Bike Racing: Lessons Learned from Reading Radsport
Our three part interview and examination of the Reading Radsport Festival comes to a conclusion with a look at the lessons learned by the race directors and photographs from the 2019 edition of the race.

The Next Generation of Bike Racing: How Reading Radsport is Changing the Model
The part two of our interview with Reading Radsport Festival race directors Gabe and Kacey we dive into sponsorship, storytelling, spectators, and sustainability

The Next Generation of Bike Racing? An Introduction to Reading Radsport
The State of the Sport on the TBD Journal is changing gears from Red Hook Crit to a possible future formula for USAC racing as part of a multi-part interview with the team behind the Reading Radsport Festival

The Inside Track: A Conversation with Red Hook Crit’s David Trimble
TBD had the opportunity to sit down with one of the few folks to truly innovate the sport of cycling as we know it over the past decade

The Interview: Lucia Deng, CRCA's Incoming President
A (not so) brief Q&A with incoming CRCA President Lucia Deng about everything from her introduction to bike racing to her goals as President of one of the country’s oldest and largest cycling clubs

The Interview: Keith Garrison, the Godfather of NYC Cross
With Rainey Park Cyclocross this weekend we snagged a few minutes with the man who helps make the race possible, in addition to leading Wednesday night CX practice: Keith Garrison

Our Origin Story
As we put the finishing touches on our new team identity as To Be Determined earlier this year our friends at Garneau, with whom we have worked with since 2011, asked us if we could summarize our team's backstory. A sort of where we came from and where we are going. Without further adieu, our origin story.

The Interview: The Rover Cycle Co
We recently had the chance to sit down with Dan Cleiman, TBD racer and one half of The Rover Cycle Co to talk about the state of play in the mobile bicycle mechanical services business that he launched with Roger Parmelee just over one year ago.

Zach Koop Memorial Crit: An Interview with Tomi Ketcham
An interview with Zach Koops friend and teammate

Interview with Moots Owner Brent Whittington