How to Get Your Confidence Back After a Hard Fall
Hannah writes about recovering from a bad fall on the bike

The Last Surf Check of 2022

In Defense Of: Not Racing Your Bike
Early mornings spent racing can be pretty great. But sometimes not racing is equally great.

2021 Partner Roll Call: Metropolitan Dental Care
The To Be Determined team is stoked to announce that Metropolitan Dental Care has renewed their support for the 2021 season.

A dollar a mile: How to get the most out of your bike equipment
Alavaro’s strategy for getting his money's worth out of bike equipment: a dollar a mile

Rediscovering Running in a Pandemic

MDC Oral Health Series: Tips for Endurance Athletes
TBD f/b MDC sponsor, Dr. Nicole Mermet of Metropolitan Dental Care, shares some important oral health tips for endurance athletes

Five Stages of Grief (or Coping with a Cancelled Event)
After a long winter of training, the race season has arrived… only to be put on pause due to coronavirus. How we’re responding to the (temporary) end of racing and the rise of social distancing.

The Countdown to Racing Begins with New Goals
A new year means rebuilding fitness and setting new goals - including newfound focus on a new discipline

In the End, Burnout Comes For Everyone
Shane tackles that most fearsome of bike racing subjects: burnout

What Bicycling Means to Us
Cycling means different things to different people - a look at why TBD rides and what it means to us

Longevity or the Art of Continually Banging Your Head Against a Wall
In a sport where the average participant lasts just twelve to twenty four months, Corey looks back at his long ‘career’ as an amateur bike racer and some of the keys to longevity in the sport

Crashes: A case for self awareness and bike handling
Experiencing a serious crash can leave not just physical but emotional scars. Tom writes about how injuries have shaped his approach to and interest level in racing.

Ode to the Middle of the Pack Racer
Cheers to all the middle of the pack racers, without whom bike racing wouldn’t exist at all.
Finding Solace on the Road
We all remember our first bike ride. This is about one of those memories and the joy that can be found from the simple act of riding a bike.
When a Bike is More than a Bike
In a world full of slick custom paint jobs, fancy carbon bits, and vague performance related promises, sometimes the best bikes lack all of those things.

The Daily Grind: Training For FUN
Cross Came? Road 2019 is coming? Musings on living in the moment, staying healthy, and having Cycle-Smart style F U N.

Why Bike Breaks Are Good For Your Health
TBD's Chris Burati talks about the pitfalls of obsessing over racing and the importance of taking breaks from the sport.