Rapha Prestige Mount Riga: The Weekend Roll
In some ways Rapha Prestige Mount Riga is best characterized by the numbers. The route passed through 3 states, covered 110 miles, and included 10,000 feet of climbing. But these numbers also fail to do justice to the beauty of the route, the joy of spending the day on the bike with friends and fellow riders, or the absolute exhaustion we felt afterward.
In total it was a very special day that we will not soon forget, a day that we are going to recap in full detail with a photo gallery from Daghan. While we put the finishing touches on that piece, we wanted to share a select few images from the Prestige. Thanks to a camera failure following a mid-ride dunking in a mountain spring, this gallery is missing large chunks of the day, but hopefully it conveys the beauty of the course.
Stay tuned as we bring a full recap to the Journal next week.

The Rapha Prestige Mount Riga Gallery

A New York City based cyclist and sometimes photographer. Part adventure rider, part crit racer, and fully obsessed with an English bulldog named Winifred.
Instagram: @photorhetoric
E-mail: matthew@tobedetermined.cc