Another Early Morning in Brooklyn: Prospect Park Lucarelli and Castaldi Race

This weekend was all about defending Ben’s yellow whilst he was off getting married in France! We had a good squad in attendance with the numbers to look out for written on our hands.

The race was relatively uneventful, I got in a very short lived early break with one of the yellow jersey threats. All the breaks were pulled back and it became clear we were going to have a sprint finish. It was very messy once we got to the top of the hill, I sprinted a long way around ending up with 4th and Alex 6th.

We lost Ben’s jersey due to a great sprint by Walter from Sanba. But we are looking forward to the chase and trying to get the jersey back over the next two rounds, see ya on July 9!

The Lucarelli & Castaldi Prospect Park Race Gallery

Scott Rettino

I am a New York City based cyclist formally from Melbourne. Races of less than an hour are my jam and I’m @wheresscott on the gram. You’ll find me taking photos to escape the accountant life and running through winter to escape the cold.


Tuesday July 12: Best Bike Racing + Best Beer


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