Weekend Forecast: Noho CX
The cyclocross season is getting long in the tooth and fatigue is setting in. But this weekend brings one of our favorite events on the East Coast. Look Memorial Park may not have the beautiful waterfront vista of Gloucester CX but those two events really stand a notch above when it comes to our willingness to endure a long Friday rush-hour commute to visit our NECX friends.
In fact Noho may be one of our most popular events to write about on the Journal, so we’ll let the ink we have previously spilled do most of the talking on this one - but needless to say, we hope we see you in Northampton, Mass this weekend.
Charm City Cyclocross Links
Noho CX 2017 Top 10 List by Lisa Vandivort
Noho CX 2017 Race Report by Patrick Torpey with Daghan Perker images
Winnie Cam at Noho CX 2015 by Matthew Vandivort
Sunday at the Beach at Noho CX 2015 by Matthew Vandivort
Cycle-Smart International 2015 Day 1 by Matthew Vandivort
One of the biggest and best cyclocross races on the East Coast is here: Noho CX in Northampton Mass
Looking back at a memorable weekend of racing at Noho Cyclocross
We’re back for a preview of one of the oldest (and best) CX races on the East Coast
Everything you ever needed to know about racing cyclocross in NYC.
Some of the best races of the cyclocross season are still to come. Cullen gives his forecast for one of TBD’s favorites: Northampton International Cyclocross and what you can expect for this upcoming weekend.
In our last look at Noho CX 2019, Johnny shares a massive gallery of images from Day 2 of racing
A new timer’s perspective on Noho 2019 and a short and sweet gallery from the elite Women and Men
We’re back from Western Mass with Part 1 of our recap of Noho CX, one of the best darn cross races anywhere in the country
Some of the best races of the cyclocross season are still to come. Cullen gives his forecast for one of TBD’s favorites: Northampton International Cyclocross and what you can expect for this upcoming weekend.

A New York City based cyclist and sometimes photographer. Part adventure rider, part crit racer, and fully obsessed with an English bulldog named Winifred.
Instagram: @photorhetoric
E-mail: matthew@tobedetermined.cc
For much of the TBD squad the 2023 CX season came to an end this past weekend at one of the best races on the East Coast: Noho CX in Northampton, Massachusetts