A day with Marcel
This is not Girona, Spain, this is New York City. Sure, we get our fair share of celebrities, but very rarely do we see, let alone ride with, a World Tour sprinter - I know, I know Cippolini was also here last week.
As happy as I can be.
It is always really exciting to get a chance to ride with one of your favorite sprinters that you follow on TV all the time. Thanks to Strictly Bicycles, I had the opportunity to ride with Marcel Kittel yesterday. They had the re-opening of their shop that was redesigned with the help of Specialized. Mike Sinyard, the founder of Specialized, and Marcel were in town for the festivities.
I am not gonna try to psychoanalyze him, but let's just say that the dude is cool. He seemed as laid back as a sprinter could get. He was friendly with everyone, and also very caring with his girlfriend who came out to ride with us.
We can be immune to the accessibility and the beauty of the River Road, but he was definitely impressed, and said that he had no idea there was riding like this in the New York City area. He also got to enjoy an espresso at the Market.
This was Marcel's stop on the way to Colorado to get ready for TdF with altitude training. We wish him the best of luck and we can't wait watch him during the Tour.