48 Hours in New York City
Weather is a regular theme of the To Be Determined Journal. From the brutal mixture of rain and cold at Grant's Tomb 2015 to the mud and muck of Supercross Cup 2016 it's hard to ignore the breadth of conditions we face as New York City cyclists.
However rarely does the weather vary as much as it did in the past 48 hours. From blue skies and temperatures in the mid-50's on Wednesday to the arrival of the snowpocalypse just a few hours later, burying New York City with several inches of snow.
What follows is a quick glimpse at 48 hours in New York City, as experienced and documented by To Be Determined's own Matthew Vandivort (@photorhetoric) and Daghan Perker (@dperker):
Wednesday: 55 Degrees and Sunny
With Daghan and Lisa recently celebrating birthdays and everyone benefiting from flexible work schedules we decided to take advantage of absolutely sublime weather on Wednesday for a casual "birthday" themed cruise across the GWB.
With our small crew and empty mid-week roads we decided to take a break from the monotony of 9W for a spin on some of the local trails before stopping at a French patisserie for a lunch that bordered on excessively large. We also threw in the obligatory birthday selfie to cap off an idyllic Wednesday on the bike.
Thursday: The Snowpocalypse
All it took was one look at the weather forecast for Thursday and we knew how we would be spending our Thursday morning. Fueled up with plenty of hot coffee we ventured out into the city mid-morning as the snow continued to accumulate around us.
Just twenty four hours after cruising across the GWB in short sleeves and summer bibs the city greeted us with a winter wonderland that was perfect for a few hours of goofing off on the bike. The conditions couldn't have been more different from the day prior but the end result was the same - plenty of laughs and good times.

Daghan Perker is a creative director, photographer, and an athlete. You can see more of his work on his instagram handle @dperker He is also a founding member of tobedetermined.cc