Another Perfect Day on the Bike?
In hindsight I may have a tendency to declare too many rides a "perfect day on the bike." I almost certainly used that term somewhere in recapping our riding in Italy. And I'll almost certainly use it when describing our journey through France. And it has without a doubt come into play during more local explorations.
But therein lies the beauty of the bike - it's ability to provide solace from the real world, it's ability to foster friendships formed over miles in the saddle and of course it's ability to allow you to consume inordinate quantities of food with teammates. By these measures Sunday was another perfect day on the bike as election and day job and other stress faded into the background amidst a sea of blazing fall colors, all with the prerequisite coffee stop with the team for a round of laughs over a variety of baked goods (See Men of Leisure Ride Rule #7).
So I'll mark down as yet another perfect day on the bike and hope that we can sneak in a few more days of similar caliber before it's back to the frozen tundra of winter in NYC.
Our guide to one of the best long rides from New York City: the 9W route to Bear Mountain
One of our favorite rides of the year, spent exploring gravel and fall foliage in Katonah, NY
A perfect fall day cycling through Westchester NY
In a year full of twists and turns, some of our favorite posts from the TBD Journal
Overall, it was quite an excellent day on the bike at 61.1 miles, over 5,000 feet of climbing, and peak fall foliage. Damn. If that’s not a perfect day, then I don’t know what is!
Russell recounts escaping New York City for the Mountains of Carolina
Fall color, unseasonably warm temperatures, and a day of celebrations in NYC
A perfect fall day for leaf peeping and riding gravel in Minnewaska State Park and Mohonk Preserve in the Catskills.
A weekend of gravel, fall color, and good times on the backroads of Westchester

A New York City based cyclist and sometimes photographer. Part adventure rider, part crit racer, and fully obsessed with an English bulldog named Winifred.
Instagram: @photorhetoric
With the warmest Fall in many years, we’re taking advantage with some lovely team riding