Dirt Trails and Sixty Degrees in February

After less than ideal weather left us trapped indoors for President's Weekend the forecast fortunately took a distinct turn for the better this past weekend.

With highs approaching sixty degrees and blue skies for at least part of the weekend it was easy to ride longer and harder than our early season form might suggest. And while cross season may be an increasingly distant memory as we prepare for the start of the road season in just two weeks, we still managed to get in a bit over our heads while taking our Garneau Gennix R1 race bikes on a bit of off-road adventure. "We can totally ride this on road bikes" = the famous last words.

Matthew Vandivort

A New York City based cyclist and sometimes photographer. Part adventure rider, part crit racer, and fully obsessed with an English bulldog named Winifred.

Instagram: @photorhetoric

E-mail: matthew@tobedetermined.cc


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