Sixcycle Returns for 2015


Team Health Warrior p/b RK&O is excited to continue it’s multi-year partnership with co-founding sponsor Sixcycle in 2015. Sixcycle will return as a brand sponsor for the upcoming season and will be providing the team with individualized performance management plans as well as access to the Sixcycle online training platform. From Sixcycle:

Sixcycle provides highly individualized coaching services and is the developer of the Sixcycle training platform.

Our athletes race for many teams regionally, and span all ability and fitness levels from recreational riders up through the competitive categories. Sixcycle athletes benefit from access to the Sixcycle Training Platform, a web-based and mobile training center of our own design, where they are able to collaborate with their coach on the identification of training goals, the design of training plans, the structure of the workout calendar, the tracking of workout and race results, and the evaluation of training files. Sixcycle's science-based, technology-driven, highly individualized approach is results oriented - just like our athletes.

The Sixcycle Training Platform is designed and built by coaches and athletes, and facilitates many of the tasks and interactions common to the coaching and performance management process. It is used for the design and implementation of training plans, the assignment and tracking of workouts, the administration and reporting of performance testing, the development of training zones, the evaluation of heart rate and power files, and the management of client correspondence, among other functions. Used by Sixcycle coaches and athletes, and available for customization and license, the Sixcycle Training Platform is the most comprehensive suite of tools available for coaches today.

To find out more about Sixcycle coaching or technology visit Sixcycle at


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