New York City Cycling: The Time of the Falling Leaves

We spend most of the winter cursing the life of a New York cyclist. It's not just limited hours of daylight or the brutal temperatures. It's the pothole filled roads that somehow defy expectations and turn even shittier at the very time of year that a flat is most miserable. And the fact that these same roads build up a thick coating of salt that slowly decimates a bike's drivetrain.

However, after the road racing season draws to a close and before the depths of winter hit we're reminded of one of the joys of being a New York cyclist: the time of the falling leaves - when the temperatures begin to drop, the leaves begin to turn and the pace slows as rides get longer.

This is the time of team barbecues and muffin rides with teammates and non-teammates alike. And for a few brief weeks, before winter hits in all its might, its a terrific time to be a cyclist in New York City.

New York City Cycling: Time of the Falling Leaves

For our full photoset please visit Facebook:

New York City Cycling: GWB, River Road, 9W

New York City Cycling: GWB, River Road, 9W

New York City Cycling: GWB, River Road, 9W

New York City Cycling: GWB, River Road, 9W

New York City Cycling: GWB, River Road, 9W

New York City Cycling: GWB, River Road, 9W

New York City Cycling: GWB, River Road, 9W

New York City Cycling: GWB, River Road, 9W

New York City Cycling: GWB, River Road, 9W

Matthew Vandivort

A New York City based cyclist and sometimes photographer. Part adventure rider, part crit racer, and fully obsessed with an English bulldog named Winifred.

Instagram: @photorhetoric


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