TBD Roster: Baker Donahue

Journal Entries

Baker Donahue


Nashville, TN

First Year Racing


First Year Racing in NYC


Rider Type

Gravel boy with a splash of cyclocross, bikepacker, and roadie.

Favorite Event

The Vermont Overland

Favorite Ride

Minnewaska State Park loop (The Gunks)

Focus Events

I recently fell in love with the Vermont gravel scene (Rasputitsa, Rooted & The Overland), but love to mix it up at Rainey Park Cyclocross and other events where there are good people and some elements of off-road.

Drinks of Choice

  • Before 12 pm: Piping hot coffee (no matter the szn)

  • After 12pm: A tall glass of Athletic Light (or Miller High Life on the weekends)